Internationalization is a massive movement that most of Indonesia’s top universities are trying to achieve. Student mobility, both inbound and outbound, is an important program for developing students’ abilities, not only in terms of knowledge but also their experience and soft skills. The realization of active and dynamic student mobility will shape a borderless education culture and environment, allowing Airlangga University students and foreign students participating in the inbound program to gain a broad perspective. Now, Airlangga Global Engagement offers our latest program, Airlangga Mobility Representative program (ARMI). ARMI is a paid internship program that aims to empower Unair students who have participated in outbound programs to promote Unair and inbound programs held by AGE such as AMERTA and LINGUA. ARMI will also help Unair to increase the number of Unair students participating in outbound programs like IISMA, ERASMUS, and other mobility scholarship programs.

ARMI Output:

  1. Increase the number of Unair students to take part in outbound programs such as IISMA, ERASMUS, or other mobility scholarship programs.
  2. Supports the AMERTA program and the Faculty’s Tailor-Made program. Students will be mapped by Field of Science: Health Science Stream, Social Science Stream, Life Science Stream, and Technology Stream.


  1. Unair active students semester 6/7/8
  2. Minimum GPA 3.00
  3. ELPT/TOEFL ITP min 525, Duolingo min. 100, or equivalent
  4. Have an offline exchange experience for at least 2-3 months

Registration file:

  1. Student Card
  2. Transcript
  3. English certificate
  4. CV/resume
  5. LoA or certificate of exchange program followed
  6. Motivation letter (max. 300 words, explaining (a) background and experience, (b) motivation to register for the ARMI program, and (c) possible contributions if accepted)
  7. Form list of exchange programs that have been followed (template)

Application Form: Here

List of ARMI 2022

More information:

  • Email addresses: